
Friends of Glenthorne warmly welcome new members and friends to assist with their conservation, restoration, and re-vegetation projects and other activities to protect Glenthorne into the future.

Glenthorne – Its History and Politics – Second Edition

The long awaited Second edition of our History Book, “Glenthorne – A definite History and Indefinite Politics” is now available for purchase. See our Book Order Page Here

Bush Care Days: 

Glenthorne Bush Care Days are held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday and the 2nd Saturday of each month, and each Wednesday.

Bushcare Worksites may be given a Grid Reference. These refer to the Grid Map of Glenthorne, available at Grid Map of Glenthorne

Now that the Park is fully open to the public, for all our Glenthorne Bushcare groups, we will now meet at Carpark No 1. To get there, follow the Park Road down from the Ranger’s Station, along the main water-course, and at the first intersection take a right hand turn into Carpark 1 and park above the stairs in the Gap between the Shearing Shed and the Implement Shed.
There is always ample parking available there at our agreed meeting time.

Late arrivals please phone Alan 0411 595 910, or Martin 0403 804 306, for gate attendance.
Suggestions of what to bring:

  • Appropriate Weather Protection Gear. (ie. Sunscreen, Hat, long sleeve shirts and pants, enclosed shoes.)
  • A chair
  • Drinking water
  • Food and Drinks (your own – due to Covid-19 restrictions)

Things we like to do on our Bush Care Days

    • Control weeds and assist in the re-vegetation efforts.
    • Identify the different birds that visit the property.
    • Collect seeds for propagation of local provenance plants.
    • Heritage protection.

Wednesday Bush Care : For people that are available during the week our Weekday Bush Care Days are every Wednesday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. see our Events page to find out when the next one is on.

Weekend Bush Care Days: On the 1st and 3rd Sunday and the 2nd Saturday of each month, Starting at 10.00 am and finishing at 4:00pm. We usually have lunch at about 12:30 pm. Just coming for the morning is fine. There are always those who like to stay for the afternoon as well. Any time you are able to come is welcome.


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FoG Membership – If you want to become more involved with the Friends of Glenthorne National Park – Ityamaiitpinna Yarta:

Glenthorne National Park

To see the latest news on the progress of the whole “Glenthorne National Park”, go to the Department’s website https://www.glenthorne.sa.gov.au/home

Breaking News!!!